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In the post-pandemic world, remote working has become a norm, which has increased the chances of data breaches. As per a survey, 20% of organizations have faced security threats because of remote working, and the average data breach cost has increased by USD 137,000.
Suppose a user works on your firm's cloud resources from a separate network or device. In that case, they will either need to enable VPN or go through multi-layered firewalls to authenticate their identity. This can prove to be an immensely tiresome and time-consuming process.
So, what is the solution to this problem?
Google Cloud Platform's Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) is a feature that eliminates these complications in user authentication through different devices or networks.
The GCP's IAP service works on a zero-trust model. It intercepts web requests sent to an application and authenticates the person requesting the Google Identity Service, letting only the most authentic requests through. It includes additional information about the authenticated user in the request headers for you to review and verify.
IAP grants access to cloud resources depending on the context of each request, doing away with a device or network-centric limitations. It will check the request URL, browser credentials and user identity, IAM roles, and permissions, among other information, before authenticating a user request.
With the IAP services, you can define access policies centrally, overlooking any need for VPNs and firewalls. Here are the features of IAP services:
In cases where third-party contractors and vendors require limited access to certain parts of a company's Google Cloud resources, IAP does a great job of weeding out unwarranted authentication requests.
Suppose your employees are on different devices and networks and do not want to use firewalls or VPNs to authenticate their access requests. In that case, IAP services help streamline your permissions and offer you a well-informed base for all approvals.
Authenticating users usually necessitates additional code in your software. You can delegate those responsibilities to the Identity-Aware Proxy service for Google Cloud Platform apps. No program changes are required if you only need to restrict access to specific users. If the application requires the user's identity, IAP can offer it with nominal coding changes.
You will learn way more about IAP for Google Cloud with brand-new courses by AppSecEngineer! Train with hands-on labs in GCP security, and get your team in-demand cloud skills.
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