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Thinking about a career in tech? DevOps vs DevSecOps

October 8, 2024
Written by
Vishnu Prasad K

The need for lightning-fast software releases or the dread of a headline-making security breach? You choose. That constant tension is a hallmark of modern technology. In fact, a study shows that 73% of developers sacrifice security for speedYikes.

The challenge is finding the right approach—one that prioritizes both innovation and protection. Think about it: a fix later approach to security is a recipe for disaster. Yet, the pressure to deliver features fast is still pushing security concerns down the priority list.

Are you thinking about pursuing a career in tech? Or simply looking to optimize your company's development process? Here's some advice: understanding the difference between DevOps and DevSecOps is important. Let's talk more!

Table of Contents

  1. What is DevOps?
  2. What is DevSecOps?
  3. The Difference Between DevOps and DevSecOpssome text
    1. Why DevSecOps Skills in In Demand
  4. DevOps or DevSecOps?

What is DevOps?

DevOps is all about breaking down the traditional barriers that existed between development teams (who build software) and operations teams (who ensure it runs reliably). This shift in mindset emphasizes close collaboration, extensive automation, and the idea of releasing software updates continuously to deliver value to users (and quickly patch security flaws!).

Why DevOps?

Adopting a DevOps approach gives serious competitive advantages for companies. Not only do you get the benefits of speed and agility, but also significant improvements in other crucial areas:

  1. Speed without sacrifice. Rapid release cycles while maintaining quality and security standards.
  2. Efficiency gains. Less wasted time on manual processes and less rework due to errors.
  3. Greater agility. Respond to change faster, whether it's a hot new feature request or a critical vulnerability.
  4. Improved reliability. Automated testing and monitoring help catch issues early and reduce system downtime.
  5. Better security posture. Integrating security principles from the start leads to more robust software.

DevOps Use Cases

DevOps provides tangible improvements in how we develop and deliver software. Here's how those principles look in practice:

  1. Automated testing for functionality. Making sure that new features work as intended and don't break existing ones.
  2. Infrastructure as code. Standardizing and automating server configurations for speed and consistency.
  3. Continuous monitoring. Gaining visibility into app performance and resource usage to catch issues early.
  4. Rapid deployment. Facilitating quick rollout of new features and fixes to gain a competitive edge.
  5. Version control and rollback. Tracking code changes and allowing easy recovery in case of errors.

What is DevSecOps?

With DevSecOps, security is in a front-row seat. It’s about shifting left, meaning integrating security checks, testing, and best practices into every single stage of software development—not just tackling it on at the end.

Why DevSecOps?

DevSecOps builds upon the foundation of DevOps, with a laser focus on security. It provides speed and agility, and also huge improvements in other important areas:

  1. Reduced risk. Catching vulnerabilities early, before they hit production systems, DevSecOps dramatically lowers the chance of a costly breach.
  2. Early detection is key. Security flaws are found and fixed faster and cheaper than if they linger undiscovered until after release.
  3. Stay compliant. DevSecOps helps organizations meet industry regulations and standards focused on data security and privacy.
  4. Strengthened development culture. DevSecOps fosters a mindset where security is everyone's responsibility, not just an afterthought for a dedicated team.
  5. Improved cost efficiency. Preventing breaches and finding flaws early, DevSecOps helps organizations avoid the huge expenses of incident response and potential reputational damage.

DevSecOps Use Cases

DevSecOps, with its shift left approach, changed the way we look at our product and its security. Here are some of the DevSecOps use cases:

  1. Vulnerability scanning within the pipeline. Automatically checking code for known security flaws as it's written.
  2. Threat modeling during design. Proactively mapping out potential attack vectors and building in defenses.
  3. Security-focused penetration testing. Simulating real-world attacks to uncover weaknesses before they're exploited.
  4. Secure configuration management. Enforcing security baselines across infrastructure to reduce attack surfaces.
  5. Security incident response plans. Having detailed procedures in place to quickly contain and remediate breaches.

The Difference Between DevOps and DevSecOps

Let's break down the key ways in which DevOps and DevSecOps differ, along with the forces driving the need for security expertise in development:




Primary Focus

Speed, efficiency, collaboration

Security embedded throughout the development cycle


CI/CD, testing, monitoring, automation

All DevOps tools + vulnerability scanners, security testing suites, secure config tools


Streamlined workflows, automation

Automation + security gates at each development stage, 'shift left' mindset


Shared responsibility for quality

Shared responsibility for quality and security


Deployment frequency, lead time, MTTR

Time to fix vulnerabilities, security test coverage, security incident rates

Why DevSecOps Skills in In Demand

As anyone working in cybersecurity will tell you, the threats we face are constantly shifting and evolving. Hackers and cybercriminals are relentlessly probing for new vulnerabilities to exploit. That means the software development practices that may have kept us secure yesterday could leave systems wide open to attack tomorrow. 

Because we need to keep up, DevSecOps skills have become so critically important.

  1. The high cost of data breaches is a major driver for DevSecOps adoption. Data breaches cost companies millions in fines, recovery efforts, and damaged reputations, which DevSecOps helps prevent by embedding security from the start.
  2. Shifting data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA are another key factor. Complying with these stricter laws depends heavily on secure development practices, which DevSecOps emphasizes.
  3. Today's attackers are highly sophisticated, targeting vulnerabilities in code itself. It's no longer enough to simply secure the perimeter, making DevSecOps' proactive approach to baking in security from day one crucial for defense.
  4. As software systems become increasingly complex and interconnected, the potential attack surface expands exponentially. DevSecOps offers a systematic approach to managing risk within these intricate environments.
  5. For companies looking to gain a competitive edge, a robust DevSecOps posture allows them to innovate faster without sacrificing security, giving those organizations a significant advantage in the market.

Choosing the Right Approach

While DevSecOps offers significant security benefits by integrating security testing and protocols throughout the software development lifecycle, it's not always a one-size-fits-all solution. Here's a breakdown to help you decide which approach best suits your project:

DevOps might be sufficient when:

  1. Low-risk applications

If the software handles non-sensitive data, such as a simple productivity tool, the potential impact of a security breach is minimal. In this case, the speed and efficiency gains of a traditional DevOps approach might outweigh the need for a full DevSecOps implementation.

  1. Rapid prototyping

In the early stages of development, when the focus is on quickly validating concepts and gathering user feedback, overly strict security processes could hinder the required agility. Here, starting with a DevOps approach can be a good option before transitioning to DevSecOps later on.

  1. Limited resources

Implementing and maintaining a comprehensive DevSecOps framework needs dedicated investment in specialized tools and personnel. For organizations with limited resources, a phased approach that starts with core DevOps practices and gradually integrates security measures as capabilities grow may be the most realistic path forward.

Choose DevSecOps when:

  1. Highly sensitive data

For applications that handle highly sensitive data like financial information, healthcare records, or other confidential material, a security breach could have devastating consequences. In these scenarios, DevSecOps' focus on proactively embedding security measures into every stage of development is absolutely essential.

  1. Strict regulations

Certain industries like healthcare (HIPAA) and finance (PCI DSS) are subject to strict regulations around data security and privacy. Adopting DevSecOps practices helps make sure that you’re compliant with these strict requirements by integrating security protocols throughout the entire development lifecycle.

  1. Large scale applications

As applications grow larger and more complex with multiple interconnected components, the potential attack surface expands exponentially. For these large-scale software systems, DevSecOps' systematic approach to continually identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities becomes important for effective risk management.

  1. Security-focused culture

Some organizations cultivate an overarching culture that prioritizes robust security postures across all aspects of their business operations. In these security-focused environments, the core DevSecOps principle of encouraging collaboration with shared responsibility for security between developers and operations aligns perfectly.


Choosing the right approach is an ongoing process. As your project evolves, security requirements may change.  Regularly evaluate your needs and adjust your approach accordingly.

DevOps or DevSecOps?

Are you drawn to DevOps or DevSecOps? Whichever you choose, there’s an exciting path ahead of you in the software development industry. The increasing complexities of the threat landscape mean we need more skilled security professionals in either—or ideally both!—of these methodologies.

AppSecEngineer is a huge advocate of making products more secure. Our DevSecOps Collection was designed to help you build a strong foundation in security principles and gain practical skills to integrate them directly into the development process.

What’s important is to embrace continuous learning. The tech field is always changing, and staying informed about DevOps and DevSecOps will open doors to rewarding and impactful career opportunities.

Source for article
Vishnu Prasad K

Vishnu Prasad K

Vishnu Prasad is a DevSecOps Lead at we45. A DevSecOps and Security Automation wizard, he has implemented security in DevOps for numerous Fortune 500 companies. Vishnu has experience in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery across various verticals, using tools like Jenkins, Selenium, Docker, and other DevOps tools. His role sees him automating SAST, DAST, and SCA security tools at every phase of the build pipeline. He commands knowledge of every major security tool out there, including ZAP, Burp, Findsecbugs, and npm audit, among many others. He's a tireless innovator, having Dockerized his entire security automation process for cross-platform support to build pipelines seamlessly. When AFK, he is either pouring over Investment journals or in the swimming pool.

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